Key Medicare Lubbock TX, Amarillo TX & West TX Education & Enrollment help.
Our #1 goal is for you to understand how your primary health insurance plan works & to enjoy a simple Medicare Lubbock TX or Amarillo TX enrollment process.
Looking for Medicare Lubbock TX or Amarillo TX information & enrollment help because you are nearing your 65th birthday? Look no further. For ten years Eric Haley Insurance has educated clients about Medicare throughout the Lubbock, Amarillo TX and West TX area. On top of this we run a full comparison analysis on the Medicare Supplement Plans available and the many companies who offer them, at no charge to you. As experts in our field we offer unbiased information so that your enrollment process is easy. Our office is located in Lubbock, but we often travel to Amarillo TX & other West TX towns. If you need help on your enrollment for Medicare Lubbock TX, or Amarillo TX, call today!

Medicare Lubbock TX explained in one minute.
- It is the federal health insurance program for people who are turning 65 (or who have certain disabilities).
- 4 Parts
- Part A = Hospital Coverage (Original)
- Part B = Medical Coverage (Original)
- Part D = Drug Coverage
- Part C = Medicare Advantage Plan
- You must choose to receive primary benefits coverage through either Original Medicare or a Part C Advantage Plan.
- 2/3 of beneficiaries choose Original Part A & B as their primary coverage.
- Original Medicare coverage allows you to use any Doctor or Hospital that accepts it.
- Once the Govermnet has approved and paid their portion of your medical services, you are left to pay any deductibles, co-pays or co-insurances.
- Medigap Plans are a great option to help pay your deductibles, co-pays or co-insurances and protect your assets.
Click here for more in depth details on Medicare
Why Choose Eric Haley Insurance for your Medicare Supplement needs?
General Lines Agent in the State of Texas
We are Licensed in the State of Texas to conduct business as a General Lines Agent
- Life
- Accident
- Health
License renewal is confirmed every two years per Texas State education requirements.
Medicare-Related Products Certified
We are also up to date on the Texas educational requirements to offer Medicare-Related Products, having completed the necessary credit hours for the current licensed period. This Certification fully meets the Texas requirements to offer such products.
Medigap Plans Offered by Top Rated Companies
Our clients for Medicare Lubbock TX, Amarillo TX & West TX are our main priorities. As a non-captive licensed agent, we are able to offer many brand name companies at a competitive price in the current insurance market. We help you enroll in the company of your choice.
Free Lifetime Claims Support for Clients
When you need help we will be there. No long hold times. No more press 1 or press 2 or automated robot answers. You will talk with a live person who will be able to answer your questions in general or about specific medical bills that you have received.