What are Medicare Supplements?

  • Insurance policies that are sold by private companies to help pay some or all of the costs after Medicare has approved and paid its portion including:
    • Medicare Deductibles
    • Medicare Co-insurances
    • Medicare Co-payments

Medigap or Medicare Supplements?

Many names to describe the same coverage:

  • Medigap, Medigap Plan or Medigap Policy
  • Medicare Supplement, Medicare Supplement Insurance, Medicare Supplemental Plan
  • Med Supps

What are the Medicare Supplement Plans available?

You do not need more than one Medicare Supplement Plan and depending on which Plan you choose determines your coverage.

  • Plan G
  • Plan N

These two Plans offer the most comprehensive coverage available for Medicare Supplements.

Two important questions to always ask the doctor or hospital:

  1. Do the hospitals and doctors you want to see accept Medicare?
  2. Are the services you are going to receive approved by Medicare?

As long as you go to Medicare approved hospitals and doctors and Medicare approves the services you need, you can rest assured that Medicare will pay and your Medicare Supplement Plan will pay according to its benefits schedule.

What if Medicare does not approve the service?

  • Medicare is your Primary Insurance Plan
  • Medicare Supplement Plan is your Secondary Insurance

If Medicare does not approve your service, your Medicare Supplement Plan will not approve it either and unless Medicare can refile the services to be approved, you will have to pay the costs.

This is why it is important to always ask if your services will be approved by Medicare.